
刘美君, 孙学娟, 张子山, 刘玉亭, 高辉远*
山东农业大学生命科学学院, 作物生物学国家重点实验室, 山东泰安271018

通信作者:高辉远;E-mail: gaohy@sdau.edu.cn;Tel: 0538-8245985

摘 要:

线粒体呼吸状态是指当线粒体中呼吸底物及ADP以不同浓度存在时线粒体的呼吸速率, 它是用来研究线粒体功能的重要指标。本文结合我们的研究经验, 详细阐述了线粒体呼吸状态的研究方法, 介绍了该方法在分析线粒体电子传递链功能和氧化磷酸化活性中的应用, 此外概述了线粒体呼吸状态的测定和分析方法在植物生理生态研究中的具体应用。

关键词:线粒体; 呼吸状态; 氧化磷酸化; 呼吸控制; P/O比; 胁迫

收稿:2013-10-18   修定:2013-12-25


Quantitative Research of Plant Mitochondrial Respiration State and Its Application in Plant Biology

LIU Mei-Jun, SUN Xue-Juan, ZHANG Zi-Shan, LIU Yu-Ting, GAO Hui-Yuan*
State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, Shandong 271018, China

Corresponding author: GAO Hui-Yuan; E-mail: gaohy@sdau.edu.cn; Tel: 0538-8245985


Mitochondrial respiration state is the respiratory rate in the presence of different concentrations of respiratory substrate and ADP, and it is widely used to study mitochondrial function. In this study, the quantitative research of the mitochondrial respiration state was introduced, and the analysis of mitochondrial electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation activity were summarized in detail. The application of the study in mitochondrial respiration state in plant biology was also introduced.

Key words: mitochondrial; respiration state; oxidative phosphorylation; respiration control; ratio of P/O; stress

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